The Richmond Planet: From Charlottesville Va. February 25th 1890

Quite a successful revival has been going on at the 1st Baptist Church. The spirit seems to have revived many christians, converted many sinners and converted many mourners. It was a union revival composed of members of both Baptist Churches and great numbers of whites were there; some came to make game, while others came to show their appreciations. Some showed their intelligence while others their ignorance. Among the able divines who visited us was Rev. J. Christian, formerly pastor of a Baptist Church in Cincinnati, but now called to the pastorate of the Shiloh Baptist Church, Philadelphia. Others with us were: Revs. Tinsley Woodfork, Lee Jones, Robt, Hughes, Henry Overton, Cary, Daniel Cave and Wm. Troy.

Rev. Christian gave some very encouraging remarks to the mourners. [Illegible] burg, Va. preached quite an instructive sermon Sunday evening. His subject was "Strengthen the weak hands and confirm the feeble knees." Rev. J. Francis Robinson, pastor of Zion Baptist Church has returned to his flock. They are carrying on a revival which began Monday Feb. 17, before the closing of the revival at the sister church.

There were 115 converts at the 1st Baptist Church after the revival. Of that number about 58 have talked at the [illegible] church. About 83 have connected with the church in the last twenty days some by letter and some back-sliders have also returned. Among the converts are Mr. Kiah Goings, age about 68; Mr. Remus Brackett, age 65 and Mr. Bradley about 66 years of age. We have an angel also who seemed to be quite happy---Edward Angel. Wm. Yancey of Richmond also joined the number.

The 3 V. Club organized in Dec. met Monday at C. [?]. Brown's house on Ridge Ave. The secretary being absent, B.L. Bullock held his position. We had 2 mock trials and the jury having disagreed; the trial was postponed till Monday March 23rd, 1890. The name of Mr. [James?] H. Hayes will never die and his face will ne'er be forgotten [illegible] he has made his mark in Charlottesville though the air was pregnant with prejudice. The shyster as he was called can compete with any who plead at the bar.

The males will be baptized at the First Bapt. Church, Charlotesville, on the 9th, inst. at 11 A.M. and the females at 7 P.M. Wednesday.